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nidal noun
Personal Rank 3
Assistant General Manager | Menafactors Limited

Curriculum Vitae - nidal noun

Assistant General Manager | Menafactors Limited
Súčasné zamestnanie: Menafactors Limited

Hľadám prácu
nidal noun : Unit Head, Sales manager, or Branch Manager.
Druh pracovného pomeru: Hlavný pracovný pomer
Zručnosti a špecializácie: Team (Work team), Financial Analysis, Sales ...
Získané certifikáty: CMA level 2, CFA level 1, Bachelor Business Administration


Aspire for a challenging position at a reputable financial institution where my experience, skills & my personal attributes could add value & contribute towards achieving organization's goals as well as fulfilling my ambitions.

Over 15 years’ experience in Banking, management & sales at different levels.
Building and maintaining healthy business relations with corporate & individual clients.
Demonstrated accomplishments in achieving goals.
Excellent working knowledge in retail & corporate banking.
Thorough knowledge of loan products and business development.
Excellent analytical, negotiation and inter-personal skills with demonstrated communication and relationship management abilities.
A good team leader possessing polished communication skills: spoken, written, interpersonal, presentation and rapport building.
Ability to maximize sales and profitability with all aspects of the Bank's policies and procedures including customer service and satisfaction, directing, training, and developing personnel; and satisfying all operating standards.
Promote a pleasant and productive environment within the work area.

Assistant General Manager

CMA level 2
CFA level 1
Bachelor Business Administration
 Bachelor of Business Bachelor Of Business Administration Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon – Aug. 1998. , Business
1994 - 1998

Ďalšie informácie
Zvláštne schopnosti
Management, sales.
Arabic & English