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What is WWW (World Wide Web)
WWW (World Wide Web) is the designation for a set of websites available via the Internet that are accessed mostly by web browsers.

WWW (World Wide Web) is the designation for a set of websites available via the Internet that are accessed mostly by web browsers. Sometimes the abbreviation Web is used. In practice, www is figuratively used to refer to the website - it is given in front of its name. Most of the public then understands that this is a specific Internet address (e.g. Abbreviation WWW has become one of the symbols of the Internet.

WWW (World Wide Web) is actually made ​​up of a huge number of individual websites. Because it is the most visible service (use) of the Internet, it is often referred to as the Internet. “You can find it on the internet.” In fact, the Internet is a much broader concept. WWW is only one of its utilization (one of its services).

In technical terms, WWW uses especially HTTP protocol, which is, as well as other technical standards used in the WWW, guaranteed by multinational consortium W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

Use of the www in practice: In terms of marketing the abbreviation www is used when indicating website address - it is widely understood that it is just an Internet address. If the organization or enterprise wants to promote its services, or other information through the WWW, it must have registered the Internet domain and created and operated website.

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Last update: 01.12.2015


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