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What is Working Group × Working Team
Working Group and Working Team (Managing Team) are terms that indicate different forms of social groups in the workplace. Working group is kind of social group that occurs in the workplace. Working team is an organized group focused on common work task.

Working Group and Working Team (Managing Team) are terms that indicate different forms of social groups in the workplace.

Working group is kind of social group that occurs in the workplace. It is therefore an intrinsically and functionally interconnected whole of at least two co-workers who are united at least by common workplace (place of work). Working group has usually its specific internal l values ​​and standards. These can be either in accordance with the values ​​and standards of the organization - which is fine, or contrary - which indicates value ​​conflict.

Working team usually distinguishes from working group. Nicky Hayes defines a team: “A team differs from a working group in that it is fundamentally task-oriented and composed of people with different, but complementary knowledge and skills… What is often called a “team” is, typically, a group of people working together - amicably enough, but without co-ordination, common objectives and a sense of teamwork. Strictly speaking, it is a working group rather than a team and this is quite an important distinction.”

The main feature of the team is focus on a common working task.

Working teams can be divided into different types - see Working team typology.

In working groups and working teams are formed different roles.

The relationship between social group, working group and working team illustrates the image:

Working Group × Working Team ManagementMania logo

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Last update: 29.04.2016


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