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What is Winterling Crisis Matrix
Crisis matrix was designed by Klaus Winterling. The matrix is one of analytical techniques used in risk management and crisis management.

Crisis matrix was designed by Klaus Winterling. The matrix is one of analytical techniques used in risk management and crisis management. The matrix allows risks categorization by two parameters:

  • Probability of a risk occur at a given time - how real and probable is that the risk will actually occurs - matrix defines three levels of probability - low, medium and high
  • Risk effects on an organization - what what would be the impacts of the risk on an organization if the risk occurs - matrix defines three levels of effect - negative, threatening and destructive

Matrix is shown graphically as follows:

Winterling Crisis Matrix

The more risk moves diagonally up right, the more attention should be given to it within the risk management and crisis management.

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Related personalities:

  • Klaus Winterling

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Last update: 03.07.2015


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