Would I Buy It?, usually the abbreviation WIBI is used. It is a simple decision making technique used in sales quality management, mainly used in the food industry. It is used by some large supermarkets. The principle of the WIBI method is simple deciding of the worker on the location of the product at point of sale.
Use of the WIBI in practice: It is not just the decision technique of individual people, but if it is introduced for employees of all levels of management, it is then an effective and practical method of quality management. The worker has been entrusted with the power to remove the product or goods from the counter or the entire supply chain based on the simple consideration of the question “Would I buy it?”. The method is used for continuous removal or reduction of prices of unsightly, damaged or unsalable goods and by using all the people involved to help improve the quality of goods sold. Part of WIBI are also other rules that eliminate the influence of personal (subjective) preferences.
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