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Who is Walter Andrew Shewhart
Walter A. Shewhart designed simple control charts, which became the basis of today's process quality control. In 1927, he met William Edward Deming and signficantly influenced him - he is the original author of the Deming Cycle.

Walter Andrew Shewhart

“Both pure and applied science have gradually pushed further and further the requirements for accuracy and precision.”
Walter A. Shewhart

Walter Andrew Shewhart was born on March 18, 1891 in New Canton, USA and died on March 11, 1967 in Troy Hills, USA. He studied at the University of Illionis and he recieved his doctorate in physics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1917.

He worked at Western Electric Company, where he designed simple control charts, which became the basis of today’s process quality control. Further, he developed concepts of statistical control.

In 1927, he met William Edward Deming and signficantly influenced him - he is the original author of the Deming Cycle, however, it was later unfairly named after his student Deming.

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Last update: 03.06.2013


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