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What is TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a comprehensive approach to the efficiency of operation and maintenance of the equipment. Its goal is to achieve perfect production and low operating costs.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a comprehensive approach to the efficiency of operation and maintenance of the equipment. Its goal is to achieve perfect production and low operating costs:

  • no downtime in production
  • no breaks or slow running of machines
  • no defects
  • no work accidents (emphasis on workplace safety)

The TPM approach originated between the 50th and 70th of the 20th century in Japan following the acceleration of the manufacturing chain in the ongoing Third Industrial Revolution. Thanks to the introduction of Just In Time (JIT) principles, manufacturers have been forced to increase production reliability, so to avoid breaking down the production chain. TPM is based on continuous improvement.

How does TPM work in practice?

The TPM is based on proactive and preventive maintenance of equipment and machines. The emphasis is put on their high reliability and rapid return on investment.

Like TQM, TPM is also a lot about employee engagement and is therefore an integral part of corporate culture. It is based on 8 main pillars:

  • Autonomous maintenance
  • Planned maintenance
  • Quality maintenance
  • Carefully focused improvement
  • Quick introduction of new equipment
  • Employee training
  • Safety and health at workplace
  • TPM in administration

The major role in TPM is assigned to people operating the machines because they have the greatest knowledge and skills. Thus, their experience greatly helps to improve working procedures and to implement elements for effective teamwork.

Related terms and methods:

Related personalities:

  • Seiichi Nakajima

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Last update: 01.06.2018


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