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What is Thorndike's Intelligence Theory
Author of the theory is an American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike. He assumed that intelligence involves three mutually independent abilities.

Author of the theory is an American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike. He assumed that intelligence involves three mutually independent abilities:

  • Abstract intelligence - the ability to verbal and symbolic thinking
  • Mechanical intelligence - the ability to effectively control your body and manipulate objects
  • Social intelligence - the ability to communicate with people, understand and perform in social relations

Thorndike came up with his model in 1920, when psychology was dominated by the concept of intelligence as a universal factor. As one of the first realized significant limitations of this approach and proposed a model consisting of three mutually independent components.

What is the Thorndike’s Intelligence Theory for in practice?

In human resources management it is used in job creation and staffing - in job analysis. The individual components are relatively independent of each other. During various work tasks and activities, different forms of intelligence apply in different degrees.

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Last update: 30.08.2016


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