Surroundings characteristic means a typical characteristic of surroundings of the organization. It is a characteristic of the organization’s surrounding environment.
Surroundings of current organizations is characterized by a number of important characteristics in all conceivable dimensions:
- Politics
- Economy (as Economic System) (global, regional, national)
- Society
- Culture
- Technology
- Legislation
- Environment
- and more
Different authors have different approaches. Below is a summary of the most frequented and well-known surroundings characteristics from well known and respected authors:
- 10 Megatrends (John Naisbitt & Patricia Aburden)
- Discontinuity (P. F. Drucker)
- Globalization (Marshall McLuhan)
- Hypercompetition (Philip Kotler, John A. Caslione)
- Risk Society (Ulrich Beck)
- Liquid Modernity (Zygmunt Bauman)
- Change (Warren Bennis & P. F. Drucker)
Use of the surroundings characteristics in practice: Characteristics may be used as a guide in analyzing surroundings of the organization using the following techniques. They can be also used in designing strategies - such as a method of inventorying factors that need attention.
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