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What are Staff Deployment & Staffing
Staff deployment is a personnel activity to ensure that the labor of the organization would be continuously in an optimal relation to the jobs and organizational structure. Staffing is a broader concept than the deployment. It implies a strategic approach - it is a long process that anticipates future needs and situation of the organization and responds to them in advance.

Staff deployment is a personnel activity to ensure that the labor of the organization would be continuously in an optimal relation to the jobs and organizational structure. It has both qualitative and quantitative side - i.e. the aim is to match both, the number, qualification and personality structure of human resources to current organizational structure and current needs of the organization. In contrast, that the current operations of the organization and its structure optimally reflect the state of its human resources.

Staffing is a broader concept than the deployment. It implies a strategic approach - it is a long process that anticipates future needs and situation of the organization and responds to them in advance. Staffing allows for arrivals and departures, for the development of the labor market, promotions and the transfer to another job while taking into account the strategic objectives of the organization.

The purpose of the deployment and staffing is to continually ensure optimal performance of the entire organization.

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Last update: 16.07.2015


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