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What is Social Psychology
Social psychology is the branch of psychology that examines (with respect to the definition of psychology) thinking, feeling and behavior in social interactions, respectively, in a social context.

“What social psychology has given to an understanding of human nature is the discovery that forces larger than ourselves determine our mental life and our actions - chief among these forces the power of the social situation”

Mahrzarin Banaji

Social psychology is the branch of psychology that examines (with respect to the definition of psychology) cognition, emotions and behavior in social interactions, respectively, in a social context.

Gordon Allport defined social psychology as a field that utilizes scientific methods “to understand and explain how the thought, feeling and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings.”

Social psychology examines human behavior in the company of other people, their attitudes, social motivation, the behavior of small social group, work teams, power, social communication, conflict and cooperation among people and many other topics. Social psychology focuses on human behavior in organizations and at work - related disciplines are work and organizational psychology.

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Last update: 18.08.2016


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