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What is Social Group
Social group is a term that refers to the group consisting of a number of people, at least two or more. It must be internally and functionally inteconnected whole.

Social group is a term that refers to the group consisting of a number of people, at least two or more. It must be an internally and functionally inteconnected whole.

Edgar Schein defines the group as any number of poeple who interact with each other, are aware of each other and see themselves as a group.

Richard L. Moreland and John M. Levine define the social group as a few people who interact on the basis of certain rules, have affective ties with one another, share common relationship frame and they are interdependent in terms of behavior.

Within the group social interaction, social communication and social influence are always applied. Within the group there are certain social positions, social roles and social statuses.

Social group has usually its own specific internal values and standards. They can be either in accordance with the standards of given society or in the conflict.

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Last update: 03.08.2016


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