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What is Social Communication
Social communication is a term that refers to the social activity that is a form of the social interaction. Social communication is the way of transmitting information, knowledge, questions, instructions, commands, as well as rumors, gossip, misinformation, hoax, whisper, etc. between the people.

Social communication is a term that refers to the social activity that is a form of the social interaction. Social communication is the way of transmitting information, knowledge, questions, instructions, commands, as well as rumors, gossip, misinformation, hoax, whisper, etc. between the people.

People in the organization, in its parts, teams and over the organization boundaries, they create different communication networks, which are a specific type of the social networks.

There are many models of the social communication - for example:

Communication is also a specific managerial activity (see communicating).

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Last update: 17.05.2016


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