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What is SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) does not represent a particular technology, but rather a concept or approach to the creation of information systems. In the concept of SOA, it is a software information system or an integrated set of application services, which together form the desired functionality.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) does not represent a particular technology, but rather a concept or an approach to the creation of information systems. In the concept of SOA, the information system or a software application represents an integrated set of provided services that form together the desired functionality.

Yet, we distinguish between the service provider and service consumer. Individual services are to some extent, the independent units that can be usually developed, operated or replaced independently on the other system services.

Services in this concept represent certain keystones, that you can use to create more complex functional units and that (separately) perform a defined action, when each service has a clearly defined interface that communicates with other components of the information system.

Service Oriented Architecture does not deal with the internal implementation of the single service. The service is a closed unit, in which we know only its interface, but not its internal structure.

In technical terms, services are mostly implemented as web services (WS), nevertheless, there are other ways of implementation. In general, Service Oriented Architecture and services are characterized by the following terms:

  • Modularity
  • Reusability
  • Loose coupling
  • Interoperability

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Last update: 06.11.2015


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