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What is Sloan's Filter (Sloan's Principle)
Sloan filter (Sloan principle) applied Alfred Pritchard Sloan. Its essence is that top management should deal only with relevant strategic tasks (decisions) and all others be delegate to lower levels of management.

Sloan filter (Sloan principle) applied Alfred Pritchard Sloan, CEO of General Motors in the twenties to the forties of the 20th century. Its essence is that top management should deal only with relevant strategic tasks (decisions) and all others be delegate to lower levels of management.

Sloan himself described the principle as follows: “When decision making gets to my level, it should get a lot of attention. If it does not deserve it, so get it back. This fits very few decisions, no one can make a lot of decisions and also good. But one thing that we should know, namely, what we decide and where this decision will lead.”

A similar technique is Eisenhower principle. On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the Paradox of Mintzberg.

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Last update: 23.06.2016


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