Satisfaction Survey methods are used everywhere, where it is possible to obtain an opinion of a particular person. They are aimed at identifying customers’ subjective perceptions of the services or products, or they are used in determining employees’ satisfaction. It is one of the inputs for the control. Satisfaction survey is part of a feedback loop since it provides some of the quality indicators.
The methods can use various forms and ways of detecting satisfaction:
- Personal (e.g. interview)
- Written (e.g. questionnaire)
- Anonymous (no names)
- Regular
- Random
Customer satisfaction survey methods are focused on customer satisfaction with the products or services:
- Mystery survey methods of service quality and customer satisfaction
- Mystery shopping
- Mystery client
- Mystery call
- Store checking
- Quantitative survey methods of customer satisfaction:
- Omnibus Method
- CATI Method (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview)
- CAWI Method (Computer Assisted Web Interview)
- CAPI Method (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing)
- PAPI Method (Pencil and Paper Interviewing)
- Questionnaire survey in the field - field-assisted data collection
- In-hall tests, In-store, In-home - assisted data collection in a particular place
- CLT Method (Central Location Test)
Qualitative survey methods of customer satisfaction:
- Observation
- In Depth Interview - individual interviews
- Focus Group Method
- include all mystery methods
Employee’s satisfaction survey methods is contrary focused on different aspects of their work:
Satisfaction with:
- Work role
- Organizational culture
- Organizational climate
- Management style / Leadership style
- Remuneration
- Education
- Career course and promotion
- Personal development
- Personal policy
- etc.
Qualitative survey of employee satisfaction
- UPE Method (Undercover Performance Evaluations)
- In Depth Interview - individual interviews
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