Resume is a term that refers to a document used by individuals to present their background, skills and qualifications. Resume contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. The term resume is used in US, English Canada and Australia, other countries use the abbreviation CV of the term Curriculum Vitae.
The resume is usually a short summary that is limited to one or two pages. It should contain only experiences and qualifications that are relevant to the desired position.
The basic structure is as follows:
- Personal data
- Desired employment or profession
- Education, qualifications and vocational training
- Previous work experience and achievements
- Language and computer skills
- Other skills or personal qualities for required occupation
Use of the Resume in practice: The Resume is mostly used to find a new job or another job in the current enterprise. For job seekers, the resume together with a cover letter represents the first contact with the employer. It is therefore important to be able to highlight the essentials (see How to write a resume)
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