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What is Recruitment
Recruitment is a term that refers to one of the HR activities. The purpose of recruitment is to ensure the widest possible selection of suitable candidates for the job. In other words, attract the most applicants.

Recruitment is a term that refers to one of the personnel activities. The purpose of recruitment is to ensure the widest possible selection of suitable candidates for the job. In other words, attract the most applicants.

Recruitment in practice: Recruitment can be done from external (labor market) and from internal sources (existing employees). Part of the acquisition is to inform potential applicants, their persuasion for the job, related discussions with them and gathering information about applicants from different sources.

Recruitment along with the selection is key for staffing.

There are many methods for recruitment - applicants offer themselves, applicants are recommended, suitable candidates are approached directly, use of the message boards, leaflets, advertising, internet, organization communicates with schools, labor offices, personnel agencies, etc.

Information about the candidates is obtained directly from them - such as a questionnaire or resume, or from other sources (especially references).

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Last update: 31.10.2016


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