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What are Quality Circles
Quality circles are a method of quality management from Japan. The essence is to create small groups of 5-11 members, who within their organizational unit focus in long-term volunteer service of quality improvement.

Quality circles are a method of quality management from Japan. The author of the concept is Kaoru Ishikawa in cooperation with the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers - JUSE.

The essence is to create small groups of 5-11 members, who within their organizational unit focus on long-term volunteer service of quality improvement.

In the circle, only workers with very good working results and with a high discipline are accepted. Membership in the circle is therefore very prestigious. Circles are differently promoted by management, and received suggestions for improvements are put into practice immediately. The principle is, that if some of the proposals are not accepted by management, it should justify the reason to the members of the circles.

Use of quality circles in practice: Circles are motivational, they affect job performance, serves to self-realization and personal development of their members. They significantly increase the participation of their members in the operation of the organization and increase the feeling of belonging to the organization.

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Last update: 29.10.2015


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