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What is Production Management
The essence of production is a gradual process of transformation of inputs (resources) into outputs - production process. The production process is typical to the secondary sector of the market - manufacturing and industry. Production is closely related to planning, logistics and quality management.

“We need principles of production which enasble us to know how to put together individual operations into individual jobs, and individual job into production.”

Peter F. Drucker

Here are mentioned management methods and analytical techniques, whose subject is production, products and organizing the production process. The essence of production is a gradual process of transformation of inputs (resources) into outputs (products, i.e. tangible goods or intangible services) - the production process. The production process is typical to the secondary sector of the market - manufacturing and industry. Production is closely related to planning, logistics and quality management.

Production management usually solves following areas:

  • Operations and Production management (production process)
  • Production Planning
  • Production organization
  • Production portfolio and its structure (see Marketing and Sales)
  • Product strategy (see Marketing and Sales)
  • New products introduction into production

Production management and planning methods:

Related terms and methods:

Related standards:

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Last update: 25.01.2016


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