PHP Frameworks are frameworks written in the PHP programming language. Frameworks are a kind of extension to PHP - they include canned units from which the application is made faster than using pure PHP.
Most popular PHP frameworks are:
- Akelos
- CakePHP Framework
- CodeIgniter
- eZ Components
- Flow3
- FuelPHP
- Jelix
- Kohana
- Laravel
- Phalcon
- Nette Framework
- PHPDevShell
- PHPixie
- PhpOpenbiz
- Qcodo
- Symfony
- Silex
- Slim
- Simple MVC Framework
- Typo 3
- Yii
- Zend Framework
- ZooP
What are PHP frameworks for?
Frameworks are used to facilitate the development. They allow programmers to focus on core functionality of programmed applications and not to solve the basic functionality that is already in the framework. PHP frameworks are used mainly for the development of enterprise and web applications. Work with any PHP framework is different and therefore it is necessary that the developer had long experience with a particular framework.
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