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Martin Vyhnánek
Personal Rank 3
Profesionál v oboru reklama a marketing
Česká republika, Praha

Curriculum Vitae - Martin Vyhnánek

Profesionál v oboru reklama a marketing
Current employment: Music Cluster, 1 YEAR & MORE PRODUCTION, CHINASKI
Česká republika, Praha
Media & Marketing

I am looking for a new job
Martin Vyhnánek : Marketing and Advertising Professional. Focused esp. on BTL activites Founder and President (2001 – 2004) of Consortium of Sales Promotion Agencies (ASPA) Lecturer at AČRA (Czech Institute Of Advertising And Marketing Communication) – Sales Promotion On the Czech Market, How To Motivate a Consumer, Merchandisin, etc. Speciální zkušenosti: marketing and advertising, esp. BTL activities (Consumer Promotion, In-Store Promotion, Merchandising, Guerilla Marketing, etc.)
Location: Česká republika, Praha | Media & Marketing
Type: Fulltime job
Skills: Marketingový mix 4P (Marketing Mix 4P), Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM), Základní marketingové koncepty ...


Marketing and Advertising Professional, focused esp. on BTL activites
Founder and President (2001 – 2004) of Consortium of Sales Promotion Agencies (ASPA)
Lecturer at AČRA (Czech Institute Of Advertising And Marketing Communication) – Sales Promotion On the Czech Market, How To Motivate a Consumer, Merchandisin, etc. Speciální zkušenosti: marketing and advertising, esp. BTL activities (Consumer Promotion, In-Store Promotion, Merchandising, Guerilla Marketing, etc.)

September 2012 - Present
Account Director
March 2009 - Present
Coordinator of Sales Promo Activities
February 2009 - December 2013
Sponsorship Manager
February 2009 - Present
Account Manager
December 2004 - February 2009
BTL Manager
May 2004 - August 2004
Sales Director and Co-owner
October 1998 - April 1
Client Service Director
January 1994 - January 1998
Skills and specializations
Mgr. , Czech language, Pedagogical Science

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