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What is Part number
Part number or product code is a unique identification number that serves to find a 100% identical product.

Part number (often abbreviated PN, P/N, part no., or part #) is a unique identification number that serves to find a 100% identical product.

What do we use it for?

Part number is a reference number that allows you to identify two or more completely identical products. Many products (such as models of TVs or keyboards) are manufactured in various modifications (for example, a particular keyboard model is manufactured with small variations for different countries or in different colors). The part number gives you the certainty of, for example, ordering the exact same product or part (ie. a particular type of keyboard for a particular country).


  • Part number 9365-6171: Notebook DELL XPS 13 Touch with QHD touchscreen, Intel Core i7-7Y75 processor, 8GB, 512GB SSD, Windows 10 Pro, 3YNBD on-site
  • Part number 9360-N2-713S: Notebook DELL XPS 13 Touch with QHD touchscreen, Intel Core i7-7500U processor, 16GB, 512GB SSD, Windows 10, 2YNBD on-site

The exact part number is important, for example, when purchasing or ordering spare parts to avoid confusion with other variants of the same spare part. It is a reference number that unambiguously identifies the product.

Therefore, a part number can identify:

  • Specific spare part
  • Specific variant of the model series (for example, state-specific keyboard, specific color, etc.)

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Last update: 29.05.2018


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