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What is Organizational Management
Organizational management (business management, enterprise management) includes in particular the proper adjustment of the entire management system, setting the values and rules of the organization and the design of the organizational structure, the managment of resources as well as day-to-day processes and performances.

“Management is thus what tradition used to call a ‘liberal art’: ‘liberal’ because it deals with the fundamentals of knowledge, self-knowledge, wisdom, and leadership; ‘art’ because it is practice and application. Managers draw on all the knowledge and insights of the humanities and the social science – on psychology and philosophy, on economics and on history, on the physical sciences and on ethics.”

Peter F. Drucker

Organizational management (business management, enterprise management) includes in particular the proper adjustment of the entire management system, setting the values and rules of the organization and the design of the organizational structure, the managment of resources as well as day-to-day rocesses and performances. The area of organisational management is a cross-sectional field. In organizational management, strategic management methods, methods of quality management and efficiency methods are applied.

Organizational management includes the following separate areas:

One of the basic functions of management forms an integral part of organizational management - organizing. Each organization determines the structures, rules and the mutual relationships of its individual elements, such as people, processes, technology or strategy. The Comprehensive concept of organizing also involves enterprise architecture approaches, which use architectural terms and the concepts of city planning in management.

In order to manage an organization within a certain time frame and with an eye to its objectives or the organisation of its work and other resources the following methods are used:

Basic managerial functions used in organizational management:

Partial analyses used in organizational management are:

Standards and frameworks in the field of management or organizational analysis:

Related terms and methods:

Related profession:

Related management field:

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Last update: 21.01.2016


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