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What is Organizational Culture
Organizational culture (sometimes also corporate culture) can be understood either in the broader or narrower approach. In the broader approach, it includes within the organization existing and created artifacts, values and norms, ideas, institutions. In the narrower approach it is more or less synonymous with the concept of shared values.

Organizational culture (sometimes also corporate culture) can be understood either in the broader or narrower approach.

In the broader approach, it includes within the organization existing and created:

In the narrower approach it is more or less synonymous with the concept of shared values.

Edgar Schein divides organizational culture as follows:

  • Artifacts - external manifestations of culture, clearly awared - a tangible culture (architecture and design, logo, brochures, dress code, etc.) and intangible culture (language, stories and myths, heroes, traditions, rituals, ceremonies, etc.)
  • Values and norms - facts which are considered relevant and important, unwritten rules and principles of behavior - partially awared level of culture
  • Basic assumptions - fixed ideas about the functioning of reality, self-evident opinions and thoughts, the deepest unawared level of culture

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Last update: 14.09.2015


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