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What is Organigram
Organigram (sometimes organogram or organizational chart) is a graphical representation of the organizational structure of the enterprise or organization.

Organigram (sometimes organogram or organizational chart) is a graphical representation of the organizational structure of the enterprise or organization. Organigram shows clearly the entire organizational structure and interactions of individual organizational units, jobs or specific people in the organization, especially managers.

Links in the organigram show reporting lines of organizational units, management levels and scope of responsibilities.

Use of the organigram in practice: Organigrams are used by organizations to display to display their organizational structure, both externally and for communication of mutual relations inwards. Organigram shows the actual state of organizational structure usually in the form of a diagram or model with a simple tree structure. The simplicity or complexity of the organizational scheme depends on the complexity of the organizational structure itself - see typology of organizational structure. For example, for a matrix organizational structure the scheme is complicated and does not always have a tree structure, as in the simplest case of linear organizational structure.

From the organigram can be usually read what type of management style and type of organizational structure prevails in the organization:

Organigram - Organizational chart

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Last update: 19.05.2016


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