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What is Objective
Objective is a term used to describe the desired target state, which wants, individual, team, organization unit or entire organization, to achieve in certain areas of own entrepreneurship or other activities. Objectives are used in planning, particularly in strategic management, but also in operations management.

Objective is a term used to describe the desired target state, which wants an individual, a team, organizational unit or entire organization, to achieve in certain areas of own entrepreneurship or other activities. The objectives are generally basis of management- they are used in planning, particularly in strategic management, but also in operations management. Modern and systematically conceived objectives set in organizations are based on principles of mutual balance (see, e.g. Balanced Scorecard).

The objectives of the organization follow its mission, formulated vision. Properly defined objectives satisfy the conditions and the principles of SMART (they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely). The achievement of measurable goals is measured and verified by using indicators or metrics.

Practical use of objectives in the organization: The objectives are like a vision part of motivating factors in the organization. We can say that each organization must have set some objectives, whether it is to achieve sales, market share gain, service quality levels or very different objectives. Objectives of the organization specify a vision, help managers to manage and motivate staff. As well as vision, common objectives help “pull together towards its fulfillment.”

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Last update: 29.06.2016


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