z origonálu:
MSP defines programme management as “the action of carrying out the coordinated organisation, direction and implementation of a dossier or projects and transformational activities to achieve outcomes and realise benefits of strategic importance to the business”.
MSP defines the roles and responsibilities of all who need to form part of the leadership of a programme. Effective leadership of a programme is achieved through informed decision-making and a flexible management regime. The key roles involved are:
Sponsoring Group
Senior Responsible Owner
Programme Manager
Business Change Managers
Programme Office.
The MSP framework is based on three core concepts:Frameworks and Concepts
MSP Principles. These are derived from positive and negative lessons learned from programme experiences. They are the common factors that underpin the success of any transformational change
MSP Governance Themes. These define an organisation's approach to programme management. They allow an organisation to put in place the right leadership, delivery team, organisation structures and controls, giving the best chance for success
MSP Transformational Flow. This provides a route through the lifecycle of a programme from its conception through to the delivery of the new capability, outcomes and benefits.