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What is Marketing and Sales
Marketing and sales deals with the exploration and understanding of customer needs, with the response to them through the development, production and sales of goods and services (including innovation implementation) and also deals with the impact on customers' needs in accordance with the strategic purposes of the organization.

Marketing and Sales - introduction “Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.”

Philip Kotler

Marketing and sales deals with the exploration and understanding of customer needs, with the response to them through the development, production and sales of goods and services (including innovation implementation). It also deals with the impact on customers’ needs in accordance with the strategic purposes of the organization.

Marketing and sales are closely linked. While marketing focuses more on pre-sales activities, surveys or understanding the needs of customers, sales processes are closely connected to them and realize the actual business relationships with customers.Outlined below are all methods and analytical techniques used in marketing (marketing management) as well as in the sales process itself.

Peter F. Drucker considers marketing to be one of the two basic functions of an organization: “The existence of business organizations is to create customers, the company has two - and only these two - basic functions: marketing and innovation.”

Marketing and Sales include several different categories of processes such as:

Marketing management methods:

Analytical techniques used in marketing management:

Marketing is closely related to promotion and advertising.

Related terms and methods:

Related management field:

Related software:

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Last update: 01.11.2016


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