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Who is Manager
Manager in an organization is a person responsible for entrusted organization unit or other defined area. The manager‘s task is to manage, i.e. to plan, to lead, to organize, to make decisions and to control people, processes and other resources in assigned responsibility within the organization.

The term manager in an organization is the position responsible for designated organizational unit or other defined area (such as project or risk area). The manager‘s task is to manage, i.e. to plan, to lead, to organize, to make decisions and to control people, processes and other resources in assigned responsibility within the organization.

Based on the scope of assigned responsibility and a position in organizational structure can roughly managers in line organizational structure divide into:

  • Senior managers (also known as top management, C-level) - the scope of their responsibility is at the level of the entire organization or business. The top manager can also be called a director. These include:

  • Midline managers (also known as middle management) - the scope of their responsibility is at the level of larger organizational units or an area that goes across the organization. For smaller organizations, the rule is that top management is only composed of the director and all other positions listed above are at middle management level. Typically, middle management in larger organizations is made up of:

    • Head of Section, Head of department – for line organization structure
    • Quality Manager
    • Risk Manager
    • Safety Manager
    • Manager of Development
    • and others
  • First-line managers - a scope of their responsibility is at the smallest organization unit or assigned area. Examples of first-line management are:

    • Product Manager
    • Logistics Manager
    • Marketing Manager
    • Service Manager
    • Facility Manager
    • Building Manager
    • Accounting Department Manager
    • Warehouse Manager
    • and others

In addition to these line managers there are still other types of managers, whose responsibility is made otherwise. For example, staff managers are responsible for staff departments or project managers are responsible for the project and they are typical for matrix organizational structure.

Each manager must meet the appropriate level of managerial skills and can act in moremanagerial roles.

Related terms and methods:

Related management field:

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Last update: 21.05.2017


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