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What is LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a professional social network focused on business and professional relationships. LinkedIn enables to create a personal profile (resume), create a network of relations and contacts with other co-workers or business partners.

LinkedIn is a professional social network focused on business and professional relationships. LinkedIn was established in 2003.
LinkedIn enables to create a personal profile (resume), create a network of relations and contacts with other co-workers or business partners. Enterprises can have their profile here as well. Within the professional network LinkedIn there are also many professional discussions. The basic registration to LinkedIn is free and it is sufficient for most users. LinkedIn also offers paid services that extend the basic registration (extended profile, better search and capabilities with contacts). LinkedIn has successfully issued shares and entered the American Stock Exchange NYSE in May 2011.

LinkedIn also has features such as own mail system (Inmail) or the application Answers enabling the asking of technical questions on which the members of the network reply.

Use of the LinkedIn in practice: Most commonly, the managers, consultants and experts from various fields, sectors and industries use LinkedIn. LinkedIn therefore allows to search co-workers, fellow students from universities or business partners. It is often used by personnel and recruitment agencies in the recruitment and by headhunters to find suitable candidates for jobs. LinkedIn is not focused on any specific industry or field.

LinkedIn, in terms of its users (130 million in December 2011) is the largest of its kind. There are other similar professional networks:

  • XING - professional network expanded primarily in German-speaking countries, used in the automotive industry in Europe
  • Viadeo - professional network with headquarters in France
  • Sermo - professional network aimed at doctors
Other information and sources (International)
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Last update: 18.06.2012


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