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What is Learning
Learning is the process of acquisition or change of experiences, habits, skills, behavior, preferences, values ​​and knowledge. Learning leads to lasting change in their personality and influences the perception of human information. Learning ability may have both humans and achines, or some advanced information systems.

Learning is the process of acquisition or change of experiences, habits, skills, behavior, preferences, values ​​and knowledge. Learning leads to lasting change in their personality and influences the perception of human information. Learning ability may have both humans and achines, or some advanced information systems.

Learning is an ongoing process that is influencing by what one already knows and it is part of individual adolescence, education and it is influenced by the surrounding culture. Learning consists of acquiring, inculcation, arrangement, understanding, retention (incorporation into the own perception of the world), remember. Learning is a conscious and unconscious.

Learning is divided into:

  • Spontaneous learning - the acquisition of life experiences
  • Informal learning - the transmission of values, habits, skills and values ​​in the family, society and organization
  • Formal learning - some organized form of education (school, educational institution, teacher)

Learning in practice

Learning of people in the organization is a key activity of human resources development and it is also part of the education. Every man is naturally influenced by the culture in the organization, its organizational classification, scope of responsibilities and authorities. Learning new skills is the foundation of personal development and the subject of education of soft and hard skills that are different for each profession. The highest responsibility for staff learning and training has the CHRO.

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Last update: 03.08.2016


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