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What is Language Literacy
Language literacy is one of the higher forms of basic literacy and it is an ability to read and write in a foreign language. Language literacy is the ability to communicate in a different language other than the native language. Sometimes the concept of language literacy is used for the ability to speak a world language.

Language literacy is one of the higher forms of basic literacy and it is an ability to read and write in a foreign language. Language literacy is the ability to communicate in a different language other than the native language. Sometimes the concept of language literacy is used for the ability to speak a world language (i.e. to communicate abroad, in several countries). Language literacy is more important in countries where they do not speak any of the world languages.

Use of the language literacy in practice: Organizations often require to demonstrate the level of language (unless it is native) by one of the internationally recognized language certifications.

World number one language in international trade, business, internet, e-business, business meetings and communications in the global economy is the English language. According to OECD data from 1999, 78.3 % of all Web pages have been in English, 2 % in German and 1.2 % in French. English is the number one world language, although it is not the most widespread. No other language can replace English in its role in foreseeable future. The most widely used world languages are listed as follows:

  • Chinese
  • English
  • Hindi
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Portuguese
  • Malay-Indonesian
  • French
  • German

Estimates of the number of people speaking each languages are different, the current overview is given in external sources.

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Last update: 04.03.2016


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