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Who is John von Neumann
John von Neumann was a pioneer of digital computers, the operating theory of quantum mechanics, the creator of game theory and the concept of celliform automata.

John von Neumann

John von Neumann was an American mathematician who contributed significantly towards areas such as quantum physics, economics, computer science, numerical analysis, functional analysis, set theory, hydrodynamics, statistics and many other mathematical disciplines.

He graduated from the Budapest University, where he studied chemical engineering. At twenty-two years he went to university in Berlin, where he began working at the quantum theory and the theory of neural networks. He was already a renowned scientist, but globally gained fame in 1928 as co-author of the game theory, which is still used in economics and politics. In 1929 he became, along with Albert Einstein founding member and head of the department of mathematics of the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

He is known as a pioneer of digital computers and operating theory of quantum mechanics, the creator of game theory and the concept of the cellular automaton. Along with Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam he engaged in nuclear physics, which created the basic assumptions of thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.

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Last update: 14.03.2016


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