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What is ISO/TS 16949 The Automotive quality management system
ISO/TS 16949 was an industry-standard of automotive industry, which unifies the global requirements for quality management systems in this industry.

ISO/TS 16949 was an industry-standard of automotive industry, which unifies the global requirements for quality management systems in this industry. This standard replaced the standard QS 9000, but in fact standard ISO 16949 combined requirements of QS 9000, VDA 6.1, AVSQ and EAQF, in other words, the requirements of the European and American automotive industry. Compared to QS 9000, ISO/TS 16949 is more process oriented and should help set up a system of quality management in the enterprise faster. ISO/TS 16949 was prepared in cooperation of IATF (International Automotive Task Force), and ISO. It was published in 1999.

Like QS 9000, ISO 16949 also contains the full text of ISO 9001, which complements with other requirements of the automotive industry, in particular the requirements for the introduction of new products, product endorsement by customers, requirements for process capability, and requirements for continuous improvement. If the carmaker has this standard in place, each of its supplier must also comply with the requirements. It is therefore applicable in the supply chain of the automotive industry. It emphasis on the subcontractors of the second and third degree.

For holders of certificates QS 9000, AVSQ, EAQF or VDA 6.1 is the advantage of accepting these certificates as equivalent, so there is no need for recertification.

Use of ISO/TS 16949 in practice

The standard serves as a reference model for setting the basic management processes in the automotive industry. The introduction of standards helps to continuously improve product quality and customer satisfaction. Continuous improvement is built into quality planning. Its principles and standard tends to TQM. ISO 16949, like other technical standards defines minimum standard, requires the following certification of established management system (established processes) in the organizations of the automotive industry. The result is a certificate and need to meet the requirements of this standard for the entire supply chain.

Validity of the standard

In October 2016, it was replaced by the new standard IATF 16949.

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Last update: 28.03.2018


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