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What is ISO 9001 Quality management systems
ISO 9001 is part of a family of international standards issued by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO 9001 is a designation for a standard for quality management system. Standard ISO 9001 is not a management method, it is standard or norm, which serves as a reference model for setting the basic management processes in an organization that continuously helps to improve the quality of provided products or services and customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001 is part of a family of international standards issued by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO 9001 is a designation for a standard for quality management system.

The current revised version is called ISO 9001:2008, the previous version was referred to as ISO 9001:2000.

Standard ISO 9001 is not a management method, it is standard or norm, which serves as a reference model for setting the basic management processes in an organization that continuously helps to improve the quality of provided products or services and customer satisfaction (that’s why quality management system). It is a process-oriented standard. Like other ISO standards, it requires following an established management system (established processes) in the organization. The result is a certificate that is internationally recognized and it is a precondition of the maturity and of the organization.

Standard ISO 9001 is applicable in all sectors.

Standard ISO 9001 affects the following areas:

Other ISO standards for the process management system in the organization are:

Related terms and methods:

Related standards:

  • ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems

Related management field:

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Last update: 01.07.2015


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