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What is ISO 31000 Risk management
ISO 31000 is part of a family of international standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization ISO. ISO 31000 is the standard designation for the Risk Management and contains principles and guidelines.

ISO 31000 is part of a family of international standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 31000 is the designation of the standard for the Risk Management and contains principles and guidelines.

Use of the ISO 31000 in practice: ISO 31000 provides guidance on how to manage a systematic, transparent and reliable way, various forms of risk and how to harmonize risk management into the organization and all its processes, decisions, products, services and assets. Although it contains principles and guidelines, it is not intended to implement risk management across the organization and it is not intended for certification purposes. It is applicable in all sectors. It can therefore be used by any type of an organization.

ISO 31000 was issued in October 2010, the current revised version is called ISO 31000:2009.

Other ISO standards for risk management in the organization are:

  • ISO/IEC 31010:2009 Risk Management - Risk assessment techniques
  • ISO Guide 73:2009 Risk Management - Vocabulary

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Last update: 11.11.2016


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