ISO 20000 is a part of a family of international standards issued by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). ISO 20000 is a designation for a standard for IT service management system.
Standard ISO 20000 is based on the British standard BS 15000 that deals with the certification of IT service management - ITSM . ISO 20000 focuses on improving quality, increasing efficiency and reducing costs of IT processes. It describes management processes for the provision of IT services and the content is governed by successful regulations of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
It is a norm oriented on IT services, which includes reference processes (how the processes of IT service management look like). Like other ISO standards, it requires followed-up certification of established management system (established processes) in the organization. The result is a certificate that is internationally recognized and it is a precondition of a certain maturity of the organization.
Use of the ISO 20000 in practice: ISO 20000 is applicable to all sectors and industries, but it has greater importance for firms that supply or provide IT services. By owning the certificate ISO 20000, the organization demonstrates a high level of management of its IT processes and thus increases the credibility with customers and partners. It is focused on IT process management, i.e. on processes in the responsibility of the IT manager (CIO).
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