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What is ISO 10006 Quality management systems
ISO 10006 for quality management systems is part of a family of international standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization. ISO 10006 is the designation of the standard for the management systems of the projects. ISO 10006 standard is not a method of management. It is a standard that works as a reference model for setting the project management in the organization.

ISO 10006 for quality management systems is part of a family of international standards issued by theInternational Organization for Standardization. ISO 10006 is the designation of the standard for the management systems of the projects.

ISO 10006 standard is not a method of management. It is a standard that works as a reference model for setting the project management in the organization. It contains guidelines/procedures and it is intended for projects of all types. The standard is recommendatory and therefore it was not originally intended for a certification. The standard does not serve as a instruction for the particular project. It is much more focused on the processes in project management and improving their quality. In other words – instead of amount of practical tips, you can find there a number of strict recommendations for how the rules should be set within the organization, that wants to improve the quality of its projects.

ISO 10006 standard is applicable in all sectors.

Other ISO standards for project management in the organization are:

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Last update: 01.07.2015


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