Information literacy is one of the higher forms of basic literacy and it is a concept of comprehensive knowledge and ability to work with an information. The definition of information literacy by American Library Association from 1989 is:
- “An information literate individual is able to: determine the extent of information needed, access the needed information effectively and efficiently, evaluate information and its sources critically, incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base, use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose, and understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally.”
There are several information literacy standards, especially to the requirements for graduates (see external sources).
Use of the information literacy in practice: For many professions in the organization, the information literacy is essential. Especially for important management positions in the organizations, the information literacy is necessary because in the information age of 21st century nobody can be without the ability to acquire and use the information and make decisions effectively. Information literacy is essential for problem solving. Information literacy also naturally reduces the risks and other negative phenomena, as the proper evaluation of information leads to their early elimination. Requirements for information literacy are therefore an integral part of qualification requirements of many professions, although they do not need to be clearly identified.
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