“Informatics is the intersection of people, information and technologies.”
David Penniman
Informatics is an area that includes, in practice, all management methods and analytical techniques, whose subject is information, data or information and communication technologies management, thus their day to day operations, development, implementation of new information technologies, data security and information, and software development. Partially it extends into knowledge management. Informatics in the enterprise cannot be separated from the overall organizational architecture and its needs - it must be measurable costs and benefits (utility) for the customer and for the functioning of the organization.
The position responsible for the service quality of informatics in a enterprise is the IT manager (CIO – Chief Information Officer).
Informatics includes following areas of activities, processes, methods:
- Content management (data, information, knowledge)
- Process management of operations and development of information system
- Architecture management of information system
- Software development management
Content Management
Content management – management of information, data and knowledge includes approaches such as:
- Information management
- Organization‘s information strategy
- Information strategy by the Tofflers
- Data and information protection and security
Data management
- Dublin Core (DC)
- Data maintenance and management
- Data cleaning methods
- Knowledge management
Process management of ICT operation and development
Process management of operations and development of information systems and ICTs includes all methods and standards or frameworks, that focus on a means of operation or evaluation of the business information system.
Architecture management of information system
Architecture management of information system includes all methods, approaches or standards that help to build internal logic of the information system as a whole, according to enterprise’s needs.
- Approaches to architecture design of information system
- SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
- System integration
- Zachman Framework (ZIFA)
Methods and methodologies of software development management
Methods and methodologies of software development management are as follows:
- Basic methods of software development management:
- Code and Fix
- Fountain model
- Prototyping
- Spiral model
- Waterfall model
- Classical methodologies of software development management:
- AllFusion Process Library
- Enterprise Unified Process (EUP)
- Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)
- Rational Unified Process (RUP)
- Unified Process (UP)
- Agile methodologies of software development management:
- Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
- Agile Unified Process (AUP)
- Basic Unified Process (BUP)
- Crystal Clear
- Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
- Essential Unified Process (EssUP)
- eXtreme Programming, XP
- Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
- Lean Development
- Open Unified Process (OpenUP)
- Select Perspective
- Programming languages commonly used for enterprise application development are:
- Web applications
Desktop applications
- C#
- C++
- Java
- Pascal
- Visual Basic
- Business information systems
- Java
- Database work
- Visual FoxPro
Business processes
Analytical and modelling techniques applied in information, data and ICT management:
- BPMN - Business Process Modelling Notation
- IDEF (Integration DEFinition)
- UML (Unified Modeling Language)
Standards and frameworks in information and ICT managament:
- SA 8000
- ISO 9001
- ISO 15504
- ISO 20000
- Dublin Core (DC)
- Zachman Framework (ZIFA)
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