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What are Impact Analysis
Impact Analysis is used in change management and project management, or in the field of strategic management. Impact Analysis is used to evaluate planned impacts or assumptions in a project or changing activity. Impact methods are also used when comparing different options.

Impact Analysis is used in change management and project management, or in the field of strategic management. Impact Analysis is used to evaluate planned impacts or assumptions in a project or changing activity. Impact methods are also used when comparing different options. Among them, it is also probably the most widely used economic impact analysis of the CBA.

Impact analysis methods in the organization:

Specialized impact analysis methods are, for example:

  • MMDIS - for evaluation of change impact of the information system
  • Hexagon - impacts evaluation in the public administration

Generally, there are also applicable other analytical methods and techniques.

Related terms and methods:

Related management field:

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Last update: 05.08.2015


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