“The job of a professional manager is not to like people. It is not to change people. It is to put their strengths to work. And whether one approves of people or the way they do their work, their performance is the only thing that counts.”
Human Resources (HR) Management is an area of processes in an organization that deals with a human resources management and development. It thus encompasses all management methods and analytical techniques applied in human resources management and in the work with people in the organization - from staff recruitment, employment contract closing to wage payment. In practice,other terms are also used for these activities, such as personnel management or human resources management and development. Human resources management is not limited only to the CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) and other staff of the personnel department, instead, the here mentioned methods and techniques relate to practically all managers in the organization. Human resources management is closely linked to organizational management.
Human resources management must create conditions for an increase in the intellectual capital of the organization, the creation of an appropriate organizational culture and a positive organizational climate.
Key disciplines for HR Management are particularly psychology, social psychology, sociology and pedagogy.
HR Management includes three basic parts - personnel administration, wages and salaries, personnel:
Personnel Administration
- Personal Data
- Personal File
- State Obligations
- Information for organization needs
- Staff requirements
- Employment contract/Labour relations
Wages and Salaries
- Wage records and systematization
- Worktime Fund
- Employee Remuneration
- Incentive components of wages
- Payroll Accounting
- Payroll Processing
- Record of Hours Worked
- Wages Settlement and Payment
Organizational structure and its elements:
- Levels of hierarchy
- Management parts
- Organizational structure
- Organizational Chart
- Organigram
Job description and systematization
- Planning and creating workplace
- Job
- Job Analysis
- Formal Organizational Structure
- Job Description
- Organizational structure records
Staff training and qualification development
- Feature/ability required by the organization
- Qualification Profile
- Qualification profile deficit
- Qualification Expiration
- Personal Qualification
- Education Management
- Personnel Audit
- Education
- Personal Development Plan
- On the Job Training
- Off-site staff training methods
- Assessment Centre (AC)
- Distance Education
- Role-playing games - RPG (managerial games)
- Lecture
- Practical demonstration
- Case studies
- Assertiveness Training
- Neuro-linguistic programming
- Simulation, Simulation games
- Teambuilding and outdoor training (adventure education, training games, motion games)
- On-line training
Staff Records
- Employment contracts and Labor relations
- Staff deployment & staffing
- Staff recruiting
- Staff selection
- Staff orientation and adaptation
Staff motivation and evaluation
- Staff motivation
- Evaluation of work performance and compliance with personal plan
- Staff evaluation methods
- Employee benefits
Social programs and benefits
Personnel planning ( Human Resources Strategy)
- Personal Development Planning (PDP) for staff
- Career Planning for Staff
- Training Planning for Staff
- Retirement and Dismissal planning for staff
- Working hours management, working arrangement, staff attendance
- Staff care and employee benefits
- Occupational safety and health protection
- Staff Dismissal and retirement (Outplacement)
Basic methods applicable in HR Management:
- Planning methods, analyses and systematization forecasting of workplaces and work
- Costs planning methods
- Evaluation methods
- Education methods
- Human Resources management methods
- Leadership methods
- Recruitment methods
Basic techniques applicable in HR Management:
- AAR (After Action Review)
- Assisting
- Bridging epistemologies
- Business meetings
- Coaching
- Consulting
- Instructing
- Job rotation
- Leadership
- MBC – Management by Competencies
- Mentoring
- On the Job Training
- Parallel Teams
- Task Entrust
Methods and analytical techniques used in HR management:
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