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What are HRM (Human Resource Management)
Human Resource Management (HRM) includes all management and human resource development processes. Sometimes it is simply referred to as human resources.

Human Resource Management, the abbreviation HRM is used. It includes all management and human resource development processes. Sometimes it is simply referred to as human resources.

It is a concept of personnel work had began to form approximately in the 50’s to 60’s of the last century.

Human Resource Management in practice: Personnel administration and personnel management were the forerunners of this concept. Human resource management has shifted the importance of people in the organization as the most important corporate resource, not only as a component in personnel records. It thus emphasizes the managerial and conceptual activities. Human Capital Management (HCM) is the follower of this concept, which puts even more emphasis on human knowledge for the organization and its systematic development and strengthening.

Human resource management involves a number of different processes and management methods for work with people and their development in the organization. Human resource management is not limited to the CHRO and other staff of personnel department but it concerns practically all managers in the organization. HRM is closely linked to organizational management.

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Last update: 04.08.2015


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