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What is Gap Analysis
Gap Analysis is a simple methodology that is useful in the situations where some strategies or changes are planned.

Gap Analysis was designed by Igor Ansoff. Gap Analysis consists of the following steps:

  • Description of the current state
  • Setting objectives (description of the target state)
  • Determining the difference (gaps) between the current and target state
  • Proposal of options to achieve the target state (an alternative strategy)
  • Evaluation of options and selection of the most suitable one
  • If necessary, the entire process is repeated until the target state is solved

Note: In cognitive psychology, a similar problem (problem solving) have been dealt in the 70’s of the 20th century by Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon under the name means-end analysis.

Use of Gap Analysis in practice: This analytical technique is one of the decision making and problem solving methods. It is a simple methodology that is useful in situations where some strategies or changes are planned.

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Last update: 30.07.2015


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