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What is Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart is practically a synonym for a graphical representation of the planned sequence of activities in time, which is used for project or program management. The author is Henry Laurence Gantt.

Gantt Chart is practically a synonym for a graphical representation of the planned sequence of activities in time, which is used for project or program management. The author is Henry Laurence Gantt. Gantt chart displays in columns (horizontal) time period in which it is planned. Depending on the length of the planned project, it is displayed as a period in the corresponding details (years, months, weeks, days). In lines (vertical) are then displayed partial activities (sometimes called tasks) - the steps, activities or subprojects in the order corresponding to their logical sequence in the planned project (see WBS). The duration of the activity is then related to the time period.

Use of the Gantt Chart in practice: it is not exactly prescribed when and how the Gantt chart is used. It is commonly used for planning activities within the project or the coordination of the projects within the program. In practice, a simple form of the Gantt chart for a graphical representation of the activities within the project in time is used. It can be realized using the table in simple office applications. A more complex form of the Gantt chart represents a display of different continuities (capacity, material, technological, etc.) between different activities. This method of planning activities comes from the CPM method. Some of the tools for the project management support for such views are usually used.

  • What can be in lines of the Gantt chart: activities, actions, projects, subprojects
  • What can be in columns of the Gantt chart: years, months, weeks, days, (hours)

Note: sometimes it is incorrectly labelled Gannt chart, but this is just a typo, not a different type of a diagram.

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Last update: 30.07.2015


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