Forensic analysis is a term for an in-depth analysis, investigation whose purpose is to objectively identify and document the culprits, reasons, course and consequences of a security incident or violation of state laws or rules of the organization. Basically, forensic analysis investigates an offense or crime - shows who, how and when something caused. It is often linked with evidence to the court, especially in criminal matters. It involves the use of a broad spectrum of technologies and investigative procedures and methods. Forensic specialists collect different types of information, so they work both with electronic devices, and by the traditional way with the information on paper. Forensic analysis is based on Forensics.
The result of computer forensic analysis is an expert or technical expertise or expression having probative value in court proceedings.
Forensic analysis in practice: Forensic analysis is used in practice as a means to obtain evidence of offenses, abuse of authority, violation of law, internal rules or guidelines, prove the identity of persons, the authenticity of the documents, data or information, both to the participants in the criminal proceedings, and to the commercial sector. It is one of the ways to deal with security incidents, and any subsequent recovery of damages.
Forensic analysis is used in a variety of fields, from criminology to internal investigations of incidents within the organization. Each of them has its own forensic investigation methods. The most common use of forensic analysis in the organization:
- Forensic accounting analysis
- Digital forensic analysis
- Computer forensic analysis
- Forensic analysis of database
- Forensic analysis of mobile devices
- Forensic analysis of computer network
- Forensic video analysis
- Forensic audio analysis
- Forensic analysis in facility management
- Fire investigation
- Accident investigation
- Forensic psychology
Forensic analysis is performed either by internal investigators or organizations outsource to a specialized company that performs a comprehensive analysis or forensic audit. Audit is more intensive even though in practice the difference between the two terms is very small.
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