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Europass logoThe Europass is an all-European unified folder of documents certifying to the level of education, the personal competencies, language abilities, expert qualifications and work experiences of the holder. The Europass consists of five independent documents:

  • Europass Curriculum Vitae - a structured a professional resume proposed by the Council of Europe - sample resume
  • Europass Language Passport - a document which records all language abilities and competencies according to the CEFR.
  • Europass Mobility - a document featuring information on the holder´s education or experience acquired abroad in any European member state (e.g. internships, study stays, stipends, professional experiences abroad).
  • Europass Diploma Supplement - a document explaining the level of education attained. It assured the acceptance of education and degrees abroad.
  • Europass Certificate Supplement - a document issued to certify professional education.

Use of the Europass in practice: The documents of the Europass are not newly invented types of documents, but rather represent a new form of structured resumes or CVs. They offer a summary of all relevant information on the holder in different European languages. The Europass thus makes it easier to present information about oneself so that it may be correctly understood in all European member states. The Europass is not a mandatory document. Job seekers abroad may use any other form of professional resume, which their prospective employer considers appropriate.

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