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What is eSkills
eSkills is a term used for computer skills, sometimes translated as computer or information literacy. The content has different definitions, but usually refers to the ability to work with the computer and information in an electronic form.

eSkills is a term used for computer skills, sometimes translated as a computer or information literacy. The content has different definitions, but usually refers to the ability to work with the computer and information in an electronic form.

eSkills also includes at least:

  • Ability to work with a computer (operating system)
  • Ability to work with an office applications - it includes:
    • Ability to work with a text editor
    • Ability to work with a spreadsheet
    • Ability to work with a presentation program
    • Ability to work with an e-mail and electronic diary
  • Ability to work with the Internet, find information and use it
  • Ability to learn how to control other computer applications (software), as necessary

eSkills in practice: Computer literacy is increasingly important for many jobs and for the whole range of industries and overall its importance for workers’ qualification is still growing.

In the school education, eSkills are usually taught as a subject of Informatics. They are often the subject of business education and requalification.

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Last update: 03.08.2016


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