Enterprise Application Integration, usually the abbreviation EAI is used. It is an approach to system integration, which was typical in 90’s. EAI approach was made possible by the development of information technologies and compared to the previous ETL approach, EAI is focused on the integration of application-level (application layer).
The advantage of EAI approach was greater independence from the lower layers of an information system, such as operating systems, databases, and last but not least, the related suppliers. EAI approach to the integration of enterprise information system was made possible, in particular by:
- The existence of a universal technical standards, languages and protocols (XML, BPEL, SOAP, WSDL, JDBS, JMS, CORBA, and others)
- The existence of a universal integration technologies and solutions (J2EE, BizTalk, etc.)
Use of the EAI in practice: EAI concept was applied as the next generation of approaches to system integration in the nineties. It enabled improve the coherence and complexity of modern enterprise information systems.
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